Carpet Cleaning Process


If I have never cleaned your carpets before, I will do a pre-inspection. This will help me determine the most appropriate products to use. I will also find out from you, what your expectations are and if you have any special needs we need to be aware of. We can then give you our recommendations and prices.

Lift Pile

I Use a CRB (counter rotating brush) machine to lift the pile and begin removing deeply embedded soils. It is amazing the amount of sand, pet hair and other debris this pulls out that vacuuming cannot remove. With the pile opened up a vacuum is able to pull soils more effectively from deep in the carpet. This process makes a big difference, especially if you have pets.


I vacuum the carpet with a very powerful commercial vacuum. I vacuum slowly and repeatedly over high traffic areas, especially near the entry ways. The objective is to remove as much dry soil as possible. This is more effective if the pile has been lifted previously as a lot of soil and debris will have been broken loose and pulled up to the surface. This is one of the most important steps. Failure to remove dry soils first by thoroughly vacuuming greatly increases the risk of re-soiling due to wicking as your carpet dries.


We spray down a cleaning solution where it is needed to give the detergents time to loosen and suspend soils. This makes the cleaning process much more effective than if we were to only spray and immediately extract the cleaning solution.


I have several machines that I use to actually physically agitate and scrub the detergent and carpet. Which machine I use depends on how dirty the carpet is. Agitation is an important step in the home cleaning process. Imagine just washing your clothes by dipping them in soapy water and then rinsing them. That would not be nearly as effective as additionally scrubbing them would be.

Rinse/ extract

This is the part of the process that everybody thinks about when they think “carpet cleaning”. We want to flush the soils and detergents out, leaving you nice clean carpet. Powerful equipment makes a big difference here.


“Scotchguard” or other similar products help your carpets stay looking nice. New carpets have protectants applied from the factory but these wear off over time. Protectants give you time to clean up spills before they become stains by preventing them from soaking in. Perhaps the most important function of protectants is that they repel soils, actually interfering with a soils ability to adhere to the fibers. Because protectants wear off over time they need to be re-applied to maintain their performance. Protectant is expensive but is one of the biggest reasons why new carpets look good for so long versus old carpets that more quickly re-soil.


Works the protectant into the fibers. Grooming also fluffs up the carpet allowing it to dry more quickly. Grooming also leaves the carpet with a “new carpet” look when your carpet dries.


Powerful fans are used to speed the drying process.

View our service plans

We also clean upholstery. View our upholstery cleaning process.

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